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The New Mindscape Spiritual Training [First Phase~2022 Summer]
January 17, 2022 - May 31, 2022

The New Mindscape Spiritual Training Programme
Congratulations on completing CCHU 9014, Spirituality, Religion and Social Change!
During the course, you had the opportunity to reflect on many spiritual questions; you learned about different ideas and concepts; and you were exposed to different spiritual practices and social issues.
You might have a lot of questions about how all of this might apply to your own life. How do you cultivate your mindscape? How do we design our operating system?
While the course invited to reflect a little at a personal level, it was still primarily focused on providing academic knowledge and intellectual skills.
For those of you who are strongly motivated to further explore how to live a spiritual path, I’m starting a Spiritual Training Programme. This programme will include practical instruction in practices such as meditation, prayer, and skills for a healthy life; and reflection and discussion on applying spiritual principles to better handle academic work, social relationships, career, family, service, and carrying out our ideals to work for the betterment of humanity.
Part of the programme will involve individual guidance and practice based on your personal interests and situation, and part of it will involve group discussion and study.
The time commitment will be flexible and adjusted to each participant’s commitments and schedule. What is required is strong motivation for your spiritual growth and learning, and commitment to practice and reflection on your practice. You will need at least 20 minutes per day for individual spiritual practice (on your own) and time for occasional gatherings and workshops. The first phase of the programme will last until summer 2022.
The programme is open to those of any religious background or none. No beliefs are required but you need to be open to experimenting with an open mind. If you are religious with a regular worship or practice, we will arrange for the programme to be complementary to your current commitments.
A limited number of participants will be selected based on their motivations and goals. Zoom interviews may be held as part of the selection process. Please answer the questions below as part of your application. I look forward to hearing from you!
David A. Palmer
Application Method (DDL: Dec 10, 2021)
Please answer the following questions in PDF and email the document to asiar “at” hku.hk by Dec 10, 2021:
The email title should be “Your Name + The New Mindscape Spiritual Training Programme”
Basic Information
Your Name:
Your current study program at HKU:
Year of Study:
Your religious/faith background (if any):
Your reflections and motivations
What is your main takeaway from the course CCHU9014?
What is the biggest question you still have on your mind?
What is your goal for your personal life or spiritual growth in the coming half year?