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Where Christians and Other Believers Meet: A Re-examination of Christianity in Chinese Societies

November 8, 2024 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

Where Christians and Other Believers Meet:

A Re-examination of Christianity in Chinese Societies


Date/Time: November 8, 2024, 15:00 – 16:30 (HK time)
Language: English
Venue: Rm 201, May Hall, HKU & Via ZOOM (Registration is required.)
Register for In-person participation: https://hku.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_38YWBKBll5AkLsO

Register for online participation: https://hku.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwvd-2oqTMtHNYGp45r4Otc2gOpk4AS-ipy

It has been reported that Chinese societies (including mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore) have high levels of religious diversity. It is imperative to locate Christianity in this diverse religious context in order to reexamine the role of Christianity in Chinese societies. With reference to the ideas of common grace in Christian theologians Abraham Kuyper (Netherlands, 18371920) and of religious humility/relativity in Reinhold Niebuhr (USA, 18921971), this paper offers a theological and ethical analysis of Christians encounter with other believers in social and cultural life in Chinese societies. Many Chinese Christians are wrestled with the issues of toward the public and toward non-Christians.  Bearding this in mind, this paper proposes that Christians be realistic without imposition of “confessional bonds for state and society, on the one hand, and Christians appreciate and be open to other believers virtues and efforts and thus work together towards progress and flourishing in various spheres of life, on the other.  


Zhibin Xie received his Ph. D. from The University of Hong Kong. He is adjunct professor at the Institute of Sino-Christian Studies, Hong Kong. He is a member of the Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton.  He serves on the advisory board for International Journal of Public Theology and on the editorial board for Logos & Pneuma: Chinese Journal of Theology. He also served on the Executive Committee (Asia Representative) at the Global Network of Public Theology (2017-2020).
Zhibin Xie’ s research areas include Christian philosophy & ethics, public theology, and Christianity in China. He has published monographs Religious Diversity and Public Religion in China (in English, Ashgate, 2006 & Routledge, 2021), Moral Triumph: The Public Face of Christianity in China (in English, Fortress Press, 2023), Public Theology and Globalization: A Study in Christian Ethics of Max L. Stackhouse (in Chinese, Religious Culture Press, 2008 & 2022), A Pluralistic and Just Society: An Interpretation of Sino-Christian Ethics (in Chinese, Logos & Pneuma Press, 2023). He is editor of Protestantism and Modernity: Kuyper, Weber, and Troeltsch (in Chinese, Logos & Pneuma Press, 2022). He also published articles in English in journals including Journal of Church and State, Theology Today, International Journal of Public Theology, Political Theology, and Studies in Interreligious Dialogue and contributed chapter to the volume of The Routledge Companion to Christian Ethics.


ASIAR Research Cluster, HKIHSS, HKU;
Faith and Global Engagement, HKIHSS, HKU;
Institute of Sino-Christian Studies, HK.




November 8, 2024
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Event Category:


Hybrid – Room 201, May Hall, HKU and via Zoom (registration required)


ASIAR Research Cluster, HKIHSS, HKU
Faith and Global Engagement, HKIHSS, HKU
Institute of Sino-Christian Studies