Time and the River: Temporal and Material Flows and the Potency of Life on the Mekong

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Time and the River: Temporal and Material Flows and the Potency of Life on the Mekong ABSTRACTDams suggest progress – they are a way of arresting the flow of water (and that which it contains) to convert its potential energy into something useable. But in so doing, dams reconfigure the multiple lives and non-lives within […]

Religious Organization Ecology: Exploring Schisms in High-Tension Religious Groups

Via Zoom (Registration required)

Religious Organization Ecology: Exploring Schisms in High-Tension Religious Groups Date/Time:July 25, 2023, 12:00 noon (HKT)Language: English Venue: Via ZOOM (Registration is required.) Registration Link: https://bit.ly/ASIARJuly25 ABSTRACTPrevious studies have attempted to synthesize religious economies, new institutional, and organizational ecology theories into a single perspective. Religious organization ecology theory proposes to be that synthesis and attempts to […]

Transnational Chinese Religion as Shadow Infrastructure along the ‘Maritime Silk Road’: The Case of West Kalimantan, Indonesia

Via Zoom (Registration required)

Transnational Chinese Religion as Shadow Infrastructure along the ‘Maritime Silk Road’: The Case of West Kalimantan, Indonesia. Date/Time: October 10, 2023, 18:00 - 19:30 (HK time)Language: English Venue: Via ZOOM (Registration is required.) ABSTRACTIn Singkawang, West Kalimantan the local Chinese Indonesian community is currently engaged in a major Chinese Religious revival in which inter-ethnic spirit-medium […]

Traces of the Way: Memory and Transformation in Daoist Jataka Tales

Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus

Traces of the Way: Memory and Transformation in Daoist Jataka Tales 道跡:道教本生故事中的記憶與變化 Date/Time: November 23, 2023, 14:00-15:30 (HK time) Language: English Venue: Room 730, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU 日期/時間:2023年11月23日,14:00-15:30 語言:英語 地點:香港大學百周年校園逸夫教學樓,730室 Registration Link/注冊鏈接: https://hku.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cu7EJDLnwiXR8Ro ABSTRACTThe Wondrous Scripture of Original Deeds from the Cavern of Darkness (Dongxuan benxing miaojing 洞玄本行妙經) is a medieval […]

Infrastructural Splintering along the BRI: Catholic Political Ecologies and the Fractious Futures of Sri Lanka’s Littorial Spaces

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Infrastructural Splintering along the BRI: Catholic Political Ecologies and the Fractious Futures of Sri Lanka's Littorial Spaces Date/Time: November 24, 2023, 15:00-16:30 (HK time)Language: English Venue: Via ZOOM (Registration is required.) ABSTRACT This article considers the ways in which the material infrastructures of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) intersect with other infrastructural formations, and […]

Sacred Politics of Chinese Infrastructure: Christians, Buddha’s Tooth, and Dragons at Myitsone, Kachin, Burma

Via Zoom (Registration required)

Sacred Politics of Chinese Infrastructure: Christians, Buddha’s Tooth, and Dragons at Myitsone, Kachin, Burma Date/Time: December 12, 2023, 15:00-16:30 (HK time)Language: English Venue: Via ZOOM (Registration is required.) ABSTRACTHow do ‘communist’ Chinese developers handle sacred politics? What role do religions and sacredness play in infrastructural conflicts? Discussions on Chinese investment and the Belt and Road […]

The BRI in National Peripheries: Gwadar and the Limits of Outsourced Development

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The BRI in National Peripheries: Gwadar and the Limits of Outsourced Development Date/Time: January 26, 2024, 12:00-13:30 (HK time)Language: English Venue: Via ZOOM (Registration is required.) Registration link: https://hku.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwucO-sqTwvG9C9FXWSkUEgfGqtVLHjanA6 ABSTRACTThe China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is an important pilot project of China's Belt & Road Initiative. Within CPEC, Gwadar in Pakistan's Balochistan province enjoys a privileged position […]

Ritual and Religion in Chinese History and Anthropology

Hybrid - Room 201, May Hall, HKU and via Zoom (registration required)

Ritual and Religion in Chinese History and Anthropology Date/Time: March 1, 2024, 10:30-12:00 (HK time)Language: English Venue: Hybrid - Room 201, May Hall, HKU and via Zoom (Registration is required.) Registration link: https://hku.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAvcOuvqTosGNxXZqG7iYdEg5uPRPOK_w8c ABSTRACTAn exploration of ritual practices in Chinese history and anthropology, as well as indigenous ritual theory concerning these practices, opens up a number […]


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“道教的經典與儀式”雲端系列學術講座開幕式暨第一講”《太上靈寶五符序》所見黃初平傳考釋 Date/Time: March 1, 2024, 19:40-22:00 (HK time)Language: Putonghua Venue: via Zoom (Registration is required.) Registration link: https://hku.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMtde2hqT8iE9L-ltL723nvFJ354d8fkNDH ABSTRACT魏晉道教神仙黃初平即今東南沿海廣為流傳的黃大仙,其仙傳故事源出葛洪《神仙傳》幾為學界共識,而美國學者康儒博(Robert F. Campany)首次注意到黃初平傳也見於早期道經《太上靈寶五符序》。本次講座擬在康儒博研究的基礎上,進一步考證現存最早收錄黃初平傳的文獻是《太上靈寶五符序》。又以《太上靈寶五符序》為中心,考釋黃初平成仙的關鍵在於服食松脂、茯苓。首先論證松脂、茯苓方是《太上靈寶五符序》記載的一系列服御方之一,源出靈寶五符天文,又將此經所載松脂、茯苓方與其他道書、本草文獻的相關記載進行比較,最後考述黃初平“叱石成羊”與服食松脂、茯苓的關係及其背後的信仰。期望通過這些論述,深入挖掘黃大仙信仰的道教文化內涵。 ABOUT THE SPEAKER楊金麗,西南交通大學人文學院博士研究生。 ORGANIZERSASIAR Research Cluster, HKIHSS, HKU; Centre on Chinese Religions, Southwest Jiaotong University

Where Christians and Other Believers Meet: A Re-examination of Christianity in Chinese Societies

Hybrid - Room 201, May Hall, HKU and via Zoom (registration required)

Where Christians and Other Believers Meet: A Re-examination of Christianity in Chinese Societies   Date/Time: November 8, 2024, 15:00 - 16:30 (HK time) Language: English Venue: Rm 201, May Hall, HKU & Via ZOOM (Registration is required.) Register for In-person participation: https://hku.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_38YWBKBll5AkLsO Register for online participation: https://hku.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwvd-2oqTMtHNYGp45r4Otc2gOpk4AS-ipy ABSTRACTIt has been reported that Chinese societies (including mainland […]

Daoism, Ecology and Sustainable Investing 道教、生態、可持續投資

G/F Lecture Hall, May Hall, HKU & Via ZOOM

Daoism, Ecology and Sustainable Investing 道教、生態、可持續投資   Date: Dec 2, 2024 (Mon) Time: 12:00 - 13:30 (HKT) Language: English & Mandarin (with translation) Venue: Lecture Hall, G/F, May Hall, The University of Hong Kong & Via ZOOM (Registration is required.) Register for In-person participation: https://hku.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3wVvecmqfQT78R8 Register for online participation: https://hku.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcqduCtpj4tHN0R1MNtGE47RjyrJ3K6r7ZK     Keynote Speaker: Prof […]