Exploring the religious impacts of China’s intensification of ties and infrastructures linking it with Eurasia and beyond under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), The BRINFAITH Map Database delivers a series of geospatial data that depict and underline the geographical context of the BRI through visualizing the spatial dynamics between China and the rest of the world, for example, transnational railways systems, China’s investment in overseas ports, and overseas trade and economic zones in the BRI.
As part of the BRINFAITH project “Infrastructures of Faith: Religious Mobilities on the Belt and Road” , this data collection aims to place the local cases of transnational religious circulations and influences with regard to routes, borders, and hubs of the BRI into a broader context through macro-level mapping.
This website is developed by the Asian Religious Connections research cluster (ASIAR), Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong. Geospatial data contained in this website are stored in an online repository: “Geo-mapping databases for the Belt and Road Initiative” .
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Published on: 22 August 2022