Week 5
Let Go of your Thoughts
We are aware of the need to manage our mind through different mental powers, but how can we utilize our mind power more consciously? The popularity of meditation has been trending upwards. While thoughts and ideas constantly flow in our minds, many think that meditation is about pushing the pause button which only make them more stressful than before. Meditation is about observing our mindscape, from a far. Such detachment indeed requires your conscious mental effort to let thoughts come and go. This week will unpack the practical elements and mechanism about meditation and mindfulness. Let your mind be a clear mirror that reflects your true self.

Observing the Mindscape
Our mind is constantly flowing with thoughts, ideas, or what we called the objects of consciousness, while we are unawares of their influence. What if at the heart of all these objects of consciousness lies our “true self”? Religion often concerns the transformation of our mindscape and connection between us and deeper meanings of the cosmos. This is often an unconscious process. People turn to practices to induce the realisation of the body, mind and spirit. Some call it the meditation techniques that visualize and help ones focus on objects of consciousness. This video will explore more how meditation or mindfulness helps train your mind and spirit as a way to manage your mindscape.
How To Meditate I – What is Meditation
First (of six) in a series of videos on how to practice meditation without the requirement of religious dogma or spiritual mumbo-jumbo. This video discusses both the meaning of meditation and the foundations of meditation practice.
How To Meditate II – Sitting Meditation
Second (of six) in a series of videos on how to practice meditation without the requirement of religious dogma or spiritual mumbo-jumbo. This video discusses a simple technique of sitting meditation.
Questions on Meditation: What Should We See?
An answer to the question of what we should realize from the practice of meditation.
The Mindscape as a Mirror
Is meditation about “emptying your mind” or does it work the other way round? Meditation is about letting it go but it is incredibly difficult to calm down your mind. The more you think about letting go, the more stress and new thoughts your mind generates. You just let the thoughts come, name them and let them go again. It is about a realisation of yourself. Such a realisation benefits our minds in many ways. This video will renew your impression of meditation, letting go of the notion about meditation equals blankness.